Historic elegance meets modern luxury
This luxurious 128 m² apartment is located in a prestigious residential complex in the heart of Palma’s old town, in a prime location on the historic Passeig des Born. The building was completely renovated in 2017, preserving the charm and history of the old town while seamlessly integrating modern living. The community boasts high-quality finishes that respect the traditional Mallorcan architecture, including the original façade, and offers amenities such as storage rooms, parking and an elevator. The apartment itself is a masterpiece of design and comfort. It is divided into two spacious double bedrooms, one with an en-suite bathroom, and has a generous living and dining area. The modern open plan kitchen is fully equipped and is complemented by a practical utility room. The interior perfectly combines traditional and contemporary elements: Wooden beams, natural stone floors and wooden shutters create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Modern features such as underfloor heating, a smart home system and a water softening system round off this exquisite offer. A semi-automatic parking space with an area of 12.40 m² and a 7.57 m³ storage room are located on the first floor and offer maximum convenience in a neighborhood where parking spaces are a rarity. This property not only impresses with its prime location and luxurious fittings, but also with the thoughtful preservation of its historic character.
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All information is provided without guarantee and is based exclusively on information provided to us by our client. We assume no liability for the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of this information. In particular, the information on living space, usable space and the division of living/usable space has not been checked by us through our measurements or our calculation of living space. The information on the year of construction has not been checked by inspecting the building file. This exposé is only intended for you personally. Disclosure to third parties is subject to our express consent and does not prevent us from claiming commission if a contract is concluded. All discussions are to be conducted via our office. In the event of non-compliance, we expressly reserve the right to claim damages up to the amount of the commission claim. Prior sale is not excluded.